
STRAX at FISA 2025 Conference in Imatra
STRAX team participated in the eighth triannual FISA (Finnish International Studies Association) Conference in Imatra in 24-25.1.2025. The team organized a panel focusing on European strategic cultures. We were excited to have the opportunity to receive comments and feedback from our board member, Dr. Malena Britz, as well as from the actively engaged participants in the session. STRAX researchers presented the first version of the forthcoming strategic culture manual as well as on-going work related to the EU’s and Germany’s strategic cultural dynamics. The panel and the conference provided plenty of food for thought and will help us moving forward with the work!
Holiday greetings from the STRAX team
This week the STRAX team held the final meeting of the year before retiring for the holidays. To celebrate the halfway point of the project and to get into the holiday spirit we headed out for lunch after the meeting. Thank you to our guests Tyyne Karjalainen and Teemu Tammikko from FIIA for the lively conversation over delicious Italian food!
After the holidays we have plans to hold a winter workshop to catch up and plan for the second half of our project and of course prepare for our panel at the FISA 2025 conference.
The STRAX team wishes you a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year!
Here’s to 2025! We are excited to see what the new year brings!
STRAX will be at FISA 2025 Conference
(2 December 2024)
We have started to prepare, among other things, for our next appearance, which is at the FISA 2025 conference in Imatra! The Finnish International Studies Association (FISA) organises its eighth triannual FISA Conference in cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Ministry of Defence of Finland, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) and the Foundation for Foreign Policy Research. We are excited for the opportunity to hold a panel there on the topic of Changing Strategic Cultures in Europe: Implications for policy and practice. We will be discussing themes such as:
A pan-European Manual on Strategic Culture,
Responding to crises, for what now? EU crisis management operations in the era of strategic competition, and
The German National Security Strategy in the European context: a strategic cultural analysis.
As the STRAX project is reaching its midway, we are looking forward to sharing more of the work we have done!
Fall 2024 update
(21 October 2024)
After coming back home from Lille, the fall has been a busy time for the STRAX team. A few publications have been added to our website, and they can be found on the publications tab.
Tommi Koivula and his co-author Heljä Ossa discusses the international status and the changing national security policy of Finland in their book Suomi mainittu: Kansallisen turvallisuutemme murroskausi 2014–2024 läntisin silmin (written in Finnish).
In Niklas Helwig’s recently published book The EU High Representative: Foreign Policy Leadership in a Changing World, he discusses all the EU High Representatives / Vice Presidents of the Commission (HRVPs) until 2024, and how they took up the challenge of formulating the EU’s answers to brewing international crises, regional instabilities, humanitarian disasters and, eventually, war.
Katariina Mustasilta and Tyyne Karjalainen offer insights into the use of the European Peace Facility to support Ukraine in its war against Russia in their article European Peace Facility: from a conflict prevention tool to a defender of security and geopolitical interests.
In addition, Katariina Mustasilta has also published another article Europe’s development and peacebuilding cuts: Securing short-term interests, risking long-term security where she discusses how two broad shifts are taking place in EU and member state investments in peacebuilding and conflict prevention: a general decline in funding and decreasing attention to conflict-affected regions and countries in particular. She argues that there is a risk that policy decisions will be based on a short-term and largely reactive rationale at the expense of a long-term perspective on Europe’s interests.
Many more projects are still in progress. By keeping an eye on our website, you can learn more of what is to come!

STRAX team in EISA PEC in Lille
(30 September 2024)
In August we attended the 17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations in beautiful Lille, France. The conference provided a great opportunity for us to discuss our research in our panel called Strategic cultures in flux? Examining the drivers and venues of change in European strategic culture(s).
We delved into this topic via four different themes:
Niklas Helwig discussed the Europe’s changing strategic cultures and the role of EU foreign policy, how the EU continuously sought to adapt to the changing environment and formulated new policies and strategies after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The focus of his research is on the EU High Representative and her staff in the European External Action Service and their work together with counterparts in member states.
Antti Seppo presented his conference paper on the topic of Making of the German National Security Strategy – Security and Defence Policy Professionals as Agents of Change in Strategic Cultures. In his paper he considered firstly, whether the professional actors involved in the drafting process of the strategy fall under the notion of an epistemic community or something else, and secondly, what the interaction between these experts was like during the drafting of the strategy.
Anton Staffans presented his ideas on the untapped potential of practices in strategic culture research. Many strategic culture scholars, to their credit, see culture as dynamic rather than monolithic, many of them are still fixed on trying to explain state behaviour through strategic culture. Others have argued that culture should be analysed as a phenomenon in its own right with the starting point that patterns of behaviour of states, i.e. practices, are also cultural. He argued that while progress has been made, some key theoretical issues have not been addressed and the full potential of utilizing the insights of practice theory in strategic culture studies remains untapped.
Katariina Mustasilta presented her conference paper on the topic of The European Peace Facility – making of European strategic culture? She discussed how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine presents a critical juncture for Europe and has catalysed major foreign and security policy shifts both at the national and at the EU level. The use of the European Peace Facility (EPF) to finance considerable military support, including lethal aid, to Ukraine under an EU umbrella has been described as a gamechanger for the EU. Situating her paper within the wider discussion on European strategic cultures and change thereof, she traces the decision-making concerning and the use of the EPF, focusing on the EU’s institutional and member states’ strategic narratives and choices concerning the instrument.
A special thanks goes to Chiara Ruffa from Science Po for providing insightful comments to our papers and to Tuomas Forsberg from Tampere University for chairing the panel.
We had a great time in Lille, and we are looking forward to future opportunities where we can share our work! Stay tuned!
STRAX summer workshop
(20 June 2024)
The STRAX team gathered in beautiful Lapinlahti for a summer workshop. The four-year project is about to reach its midway and it was time to do some stock-taking. Where are we now and what do we need to do to reach our goals? That was the agenda of the day.
Lapinlahti was the perfect oasis in the middle of Helsinki to have some fruitful discussions on project management and to make a deep dive into theories and concepts of strategic culture research. We also went through our draft conference papers covering themes like the making of the German National Security Strategy, the development of the European Peace Facility, the EU High Representative as a change agent and the relationship between practice research and strategic culture. Really interesting and inspiring stuff and we cannot wait to present the papers at EISA PEC in Lille in August!
As a result of the workshop day we have some exciting plans for the future of the project and the path forward looks good. Watch this space for updates.
The STRAX team wishes everyone a happy and relaxing midsummer!

Spring 2024 update
(29 May 2024)
The STRAX project has now been up and running for over a year. Although updates on this website have not been appearing as frequently as we would have hoped, the team has not led a quiet life. A couple of publications have been added. Niklas Helwig discusses “the European Zeitenwende” and the need for a European strategic culture. Katariina Mustasilta’s paper discusses the key external and internal drivers that influence the EU’s conflict and crisis responses in the era of strategic competition. Anton Staffans writes (in Finnish) about the UK’s security and defence policy in the Indo-Pacific region.
The main milestone of this year is our panel at the EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations (PEC) in August in Lille. The title of the panel is Strategic cultures in flux? Examining the drivers and venues of change in European strategic culture(s) and five papers by the STRAX team will be presented there. We are very excited to finally present the work that is being done. Stay tuned for more info on the panel in the near future!
Below a picture from our team meeting in February.

STRAX is now live!
The project kicked off with a workshop gathering the Advisory Board and other external experts on 20-21 March in Helsinki, including a public seminar at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs on the 22th.
STRAX Release on Strategic Culture:
STRAX release: Four Points about Strategic Culture (in Finnish)
STRAX Podcast episode:
STRAX Podcast episode: Sotataidon ytimessä – Strateginen kulttuuri ja sen tutkimus (in Finnish)
Recording of the STRAX seminar in the link below:
A European Zeitenwende? Russia’s war of aggression and evolving Strategic Cultures in Europe