ciro's corner

Ciro, the official puppy of the STRAX project, would like to warmly welcome you to his corner!

Here Ciro closely follows and monitors the work of the STRAX-team, whilst striving to achieve his own strategic objectives: regular flow of treats and walks. Occasionally he even offers some thoughts for treats, of course in connection to strategic cultures and their change.

Ciro's Season's Greetings:

The researchers at the STRAX project have been busy! They have been travelling all over Europe to meet with experts and international colleagues to talk about the importance of studying strategic cultures, which I haven’t minded, since I have gotten nice little treats and souvenirs from their travels. They attended a conference in Lille and it sounds like there is a lot of interest in their work. This shows how up-to-date the research done in the STRAX project really is. I enjoy having them back home for now because it means I get a lot of belly rubs and long walks  before they leave for another conference in Imatra next January. I wonder if they would take me with them. I would love to visit the local dog park and offer my insights to the attendees of the conference… Either way, after relaxing and eating a lot of treats over the holidays the work continues!


I wish you all a relaxing holiday season!



Ciro’s reading recommendations:

Hello friends! The weather here is getting colder, but the STRAX team has not slowed down one bit. The team has been working on their project restlessly. Have you checked out any of the work they have done so far? I hear they have collected a bunch of the publications on this website. Sooner or later there will be so many publications to go through, it is better to start reading early! Maybe I could be a co-author on one of the publications one day too! That sounds like a brilliant idea, don’t you think?




Ciro’s summer greeting:

Ciro is excited and ready for the summer season. He plans to swim and storm around parks whilst the rest of the STRAX team is busy preparing their conference papers for the upcoming EISA 2024 conference in Lille!

Ciro’s opening remarks:

I’m happy as a puppy to see the project successfully kicked-off and moving forward! The recent dramatic events in European security environment have made the study of strategic cultures in Europe even more relevant than perhaps anticipated when the team first formulated the project plan. At the same time, particularly during this time of radical uncertainty, there is a need for careful theoretical and empirical research that contributes to knowledge production and understanding of strategic culture more broadly. Stay tuned!